Deadwood Transcript: Season 3 Episode 28
"Full Faith and Credit"

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(Open with Doc walking through the main room at the Bella Union. He is coughing. It appears to be late, one of the whores is slumped over, sleeping in a chair and no one else is there save the bartender. Doc crosses the room and enters Cy's office. We see Cy is in bed when Doc enters.)
Cy: Doc.
Doc: How ya feelin'?
Cy: Sleepy. As a man fuckin' should at this hour, if you don't mind me sayin'.
Doc: It's this hour I'm able to see ya at.
Cy: I understand and I'm grateful.
Doc: At least half that fuckin' statement's a fuckin' lie. (starts coughing again, gets up from Cy's bedside and goes across the room)
Cy: Take it easy, Doc.
Doc: (short of breath) Try and get dressed today. (leaves the room, still coughing, and continues out of the Bella Union, coughing all the way)
(Cut to the street in front of a business where the sign is draped with cloth. It appears to be an event, much of the town is waiting outside on the street. We see Dan and Johnny, and Al is on his balcony. We see Jane, as Blasanov approaches her from behind on the sidewalk)
Blazanov: Cheyenne and Black Hills Telegraph Company.
Jane: (startled, she swings around to see him) What the fuck is that to me?
Blazanov: Telegram for Jane Cannary.
Jane: Oh yeah? (grabs for her sidearm) Well here's a pistol for whatever your stupid fuckin' name is.
Blazanov: (steps back) Please do not kill me, I'm only messenger.
Jane: Shut the fuck up and read the message!
(Cut to Alma, sitting at a desk in the new bank. There's a sign on her desk: "Loans", and another sign: "Mrs Ellsworth". She arises and walks through the bank to the front door. We see Trixie behind the cashier counter, and Sol in the back. Alma goes outside, and to a round of applause from the crowd she pulls the drape off the sign and we see it says: "Bank of Deadwood".)
(Cut to Al, watching the festivities from his balcony. Hearst is on his "veranda" and waves exuberantly to Al. Al turns and walks inside without acknowledging Hearst. On the street below, Dan and Johnny observe this)
Johnny: How'd Al answer?
Dan: He didn't answer at all.
Johnny: Good for him!
(Hearst sees Dan and Johnny, and gives them a big wave)
Hearst: Mornin'! (we see Capt Turner standing under the porch roof, having his breakfast)
Johnny: Mornin'
Dan: Mornin'! Best time of day to go fuck yourself! (Capt Turner gives Dan a dirty look and goes inside)
(Cut to the sidewalk, Blazanov and Jane are still talking)
Blazanov: "From Samuel Fields to Miss Jane Cannary"
Jane: I don't know any Samuel Fields.
Blazanov: Valediction is "Nigger General".
Jane: Gimme that fuckin' thing. (she snatches the telegraph from him and hurries away, turning to say: ) Keep the fuckin' contents to yourself.
(Cut to Merrick, outside the new bank as he's addressing the crowd)
Merrick: Trust, gentlemen and ladies. We live in faith!
(Cut to Joanie, who is walking down the street alone when she is approached by Jack. She continues walking as they talk, him behind her)
Jack: John Langrishe, madam. Wishing you a good morning on an august occasion.
Joanie: Morning.
Jack: Hoping to talk with you a bit, to better represent my intentions this day than the last.

Deadwood Paula Malcomson as Trixie seated in chair next to wash basin 8 x 10 Inch photo
Joanie: All right.
Jack: May I ask your name?
Joanie: Joanie Stubbs.
Jack: I regret having abrupted upon you, Miss Stubbs, as you gardened.
Joanie: I took you for interested in something you mightn't have been.
Jack: My interest, to be direct, is in buying your building.
Joanie: What do you want to use it for?
Jack: A theater. My troupe will season in this camp.
Joanie: Well it's a schoolhouse now.
Jack: Very handsomely appointed for that purpose.
Joanie: It was a whorehouse before. Anyways, I don't know if I'd want to sell.
Jack: Perhaps you'd consider renting?
Joanie: Perhaps you'd consider fucking yourself. (she walks away)

(Cut to Al on his balcony again, he sees Capt Turner approaching on the street, and hurries inside and downstairs to meet Turner)
Al: If I was approaching you backwards, Captain, had a mirror to observe your activity, just now I'd be most trepidatious. (looks at Johnny) For Johnny, this is a man when acting from behind and advantaged with a weapon, very much to be feared.
Turner: Was just doing my job. (he holds out a note for Al, Al takes it. Dan enters the bar from a back room, he's drying off his face. Turner gives Dan a look) You don't want to speak like that again to Mr Hearst.
Dan: Yeah, I do. Do you want to try to change my fuckin' mind?
Turner: Not only will I change your mind, I'll rip your whole fucking head off. (he turns and leaves, Dan watches him intently)
Al: (reading the note from Hearst) Another fuckin' invite. Fuckin' Hearst must take me for an optimist.
Dan: (nodding towards the door) I'm gonna kill that cocksucker.
Al: (cheerfully) All in good time.
(Cut to the Bella Union where the blonde showgirl is entering and creating a big reaction from Con and Leon. She walks over to them)
Blonde: I'm curious about those tables with the numbers on them.
Con: Well, they're for gambling on... those. Various kinds of games of chance or of different sorts.
Blonde: So I imagined. I wonder if this might be a convenient time for me to learn?
Con: Leon, uh, take over supervising for me while I give this young lady some private instruction.
Leon: Yes sir, supervising now, sir.
Con: (takes her by the arm and steers her to a table) Uh, this over here is a choice table. (to the craps attendant) Horatio, beat it.
Blonde: Am I inconveniencing you?
Con: (rubbing his hernia) Oh, damn chinks. They shrunk these pants in the laundry. (chuckles) You ever throw the bones before, ma'am?
Blonde: (coyly) I've caught some.
Con: (snickers) These are my personal dice. (looking at her chest) Nice, uh, fuckin' set. I'm happy and glad to allow you learn on 'em.
(she gently takes his hand and softly blows on the dice. Con loves it)
Con: (grabbing his crotch again) Damn chinks.
(Cut to No. 10 saloon. Harry is entering in a rush, he hurries to remove his coat and get to work)
Tom: I should cut your salary 20%! Based on time you're absent campaigning.
Harry: Can I make up the hours once I'm beat?
Tom: Your plans are idiotic. You're running for sheriff to be a fireman.
Harry: I hope to be second deputy in case they start a fire department.
Tom: Well, that's stupid, and I ought to cut your salary.
Harry: You have to, you have to.
Tom: Why not build a fuckin' fire wagon, that you then rent out to the camp?
Harry: If I had money.
Tom: If you had a loan for the wagon's makings, and help with the fuckin' carpentry, would you build the wagon then?
Harry: (stunned) Uh, I'd repay you at fuckin' interest, boss.
Tom: Well, that's the 20%... .pre-deducted from the makings' purchase. We build the fuckin' wagon then rent it to the camp. And don't ever speak of this again. A-a-a-and two fuckin' fire hats.
(Cut to Jane with Charlie at the freight office, he is reading Field's letter for her)
Jane: Nigger general ain't quit drinkin', we know that for fuckin' sure.
Charlie: How do we know that?
Jane: What you just read to me is a drunkard's question. "What is state of affairs in camp with regards to the horse?"
Charlie: Seems to me whatever the state of affairs about the horse is in the camp, it's a drunkard's decision bringin' the cocksucker back.
Jane: That's on Hostetler, according to the little nigger general, if you'd understand that you fuckin' read. Hostetler means to bring the horse back. Hostetler! (pauses, glaring at Charlie) "You're right Jane, I'm a fuckin' moron, as usual. What I should be doin', being as you have no experience, is helping you compose a telegraph back to little nigger general as requested".
Charlie: (looking out the door, he sees Hostetler and Fields entering the camp with the horse. He gets up and walks to the door) Come over here and save yourself the cost of a wire.
Jane: (walking to the door) Oh, fuck!

(Cut to the livery, Steve is tending to a horse, talking to it)
Steve: What are you lookin' at? You think just cause I happen to got a peppermint, it's yours by right?
(Fields and Hostetler are outside the livery now, looking in)
Fields: Always possible I'm having a nightmare.
Steve: (to the horse) You sweet-toothed cocksucker. (he looks up and sees Hostetler in the doorway with the horse. Shouting now) That's right, that's right, you come to take my place away.
(Cut to the freight office again, Charlie is moving packages around when Joanie walks in tentatively)
Charlie: Oh, Miss Stubbs. Take a seat in that cell there till I square a place away for you.
Joanie: (giving the cell a good looking over) I have an offer to sell my place.
Charlie: How are you inclined to answer? Unless you don't yet know... .if I ain't out of place askin'.
Joanie: I told the man to fuck himself.
Charlie: Tactics? Or a true position?
Joanie: I don't know. I don't know, Mr Utter. (she is upset, near tears)
Charlie: Why don't I close up for a while?
Joanie: Oh, please don't.
Charlie: (after a long pause while they both look uncomfortable) Nigger general and Hostetler brung that horse back to camp, got away from 'em and trampled the sheriff's son.
Joanie: Is that so?
Charlie: Wherever the two of them was, I guess they didn't feel their lives were in enough danger.
Charlie: For years at a time. Pick any part of my life, for example.
Joanie: It just don't sit well with me.
Charlie: To sell your place, you mean?
Joanie: But I can't think why it wouldn't.
Charlie: What's wrong with "whim" for a reason?
Joanie: I tell you what I like. What I like is knowing these children are learning. I like that, and I like watering their garden, the days that they ain't in session.
Charlie: The day that school opened, I remember sayin' to sheriff Bullock what a nice thing it seemed, watching them little ones walk off to your place.
Joanie: That's what I goddam like, imagining them walkin' into it. I ain't seen it yet, but I'd like to. And when he wanted to buy it, all I thought's "Now I never will" (sighs) Oh god almighty. (sobs)
Charlie: What is it Miss Stubbs?
Joanie: I wish... once I could ... ... care for those little ones. (sobbing) Just once instead of doing what I did. (crying)
Charlie: There, there now.
(Cut to No. 10 saloon. Steve is marching into the bar looking pretty pissed. Tom sits at a table while Harry tends bar)
Steve: Walked in like the past six weeks never fuckin' happened. Never fuckin' left the camp. (shouting now) Never fuckin' abandoned the horses to starve or die of fuckin' thirst. Nigger motherfuckers! (screaming and slobbering now). Harry, what the fuck are you waiting for?!
Tom: (gets up and goes behind the bar) What are you talkin' about Steve?
Steve: What I swore up and down was gonna happen, and nobody paid me any heed. What happened to me in Utica, and every other fuckin' place I've ever been in my fuckin' life! The white man bears the nigger's weight around his neck like a fucking albatross. And yet people still ask: "Well, why is he bent over? And why can he barely fuckin' walk?" ... . The livery's fuckin' gone. (starts downing shots) All my labor, efforts are gone for naught. And they walked in like they never fuckin' left. And they didn't take responsibility for trampling that white boy. Nor did they give less than a flyin' fuck!. (takes a breath and pauses, livid) And I wonder what the fuckin' parents are gonna say about that too! (turns and stomps out of the bar)
Tom: (nodding to the table in the corner) Why don't you stand down over there, Harry. (Tom pulls a revolver out from a hiding place and lays it under the bar where it's in easy reach. He looks out the door and seems very resigned and unhappy)
(Cut to the hotel, Con is checking in to a room with a small satchel)
Con: (As EB hands him a key) Many thanks!
E.B.: If you stay in camp long, sir, you may have the delightful surprise of meeting your identical twin. (Con leers and grabs the key away from EB) He has appointed to degrade himself. The open question is with whom.
(Cut to the hardware store as Steve hurries in to see Seth)
Steve: Now we'll find out about you.
Seth: What is it?
Steve: Or justice for the white man, or for your own dead child at the saloon number fuckin' ten! (Seth charges Steve, then stops and turns to get his hat) Well, are you comin'?
Seth: Yeah, I'm fuckin' comin'.
(Cut to the new bank, Ellsworth is delivering an apple to Alma as several hooples transact business in the bank)
Whitney: Mrs Ellsworth.
Alma: (inspecting the apple) You don't confuse me with Mrs. Bullock?
Whitney: Well, as far as the conjugal enterprise, I'll admit often feeling like a schoolboy.

Alma: Thank you for it.
Whitney: Speaking further, 'twixt your mine and now this bank, however much I mayn't be good at it, I feel I married rather well.
Hoople: (standing at the cashier's cage behind Ellsworth) I put you on notice! I want my money? It better fuckin' be available, day or fuckin' night.
Trixie: Mayn't I draw you a map then, in case it's night and you want it, to lead you to where I live so you can wake me? (Sol is getting up to assist, and several hooples are watching this exchange)
Hoople: Now fuck you then! I ain't depositin'
Trixie: Oh, no? Oh, say it ain't fuckin' so, you stupid fuckin' asshole!
Whitney: (stepping over to assist) Now, now, now, now.
Hoople: Now now fuckin' what?
Whitney: Now, now, keep your voice down.
Hoople: And who the fuck are you anyway?
Alma: Sir!
Whitney: Stay out of this. (to the hoople) Deposits here, if we fuckin' let you make em, are backed by this lady's gold mine. So do not confuse her with some paper palace fly-by-night who means "Catch me if you can, turn me upside down and whatever falls out of my pocket is what's behind my script." When his note says "Full faith and credit".
Alma: Thank you, Mr Ellsworth.
Whitney: She'd make the uses of money available for people in the camp ain't belligerent cocksuckers. Short of following you around with her fuckin' mine on her back, how else is she supposed to do it?
Alma: Thank you.
Whitney: You're welcome.
Alma: I am Mrs Ellsworth.
Hoople: Yeah, how do you do? I... I guess I'll try you out.
(Cut to No 10 as Seth and Steve walk in.)
Seth: (to Tom) Keep him here.
Steve: Now we'll see if he takes the nigger's word or how they fuckin' lie.
Tom: Shut up!
Steve: Well, give me a drink and it's a deal Tom.
(Cut to the livery)
Hostetler: Go on away from here now, ain't nobody tryin' to keep you.
Fields: Yeah, that's why I come back with you Hostetler, to worsen my chances when I try to flee. (they see Seth approaching, Hostetler walks out to meet him)
Hostetler: I was coming to find you once I I had the horse cleaned. This is the horse that hurt your boy. We collected him and we brung him back.
Seth: He died.

Dirty Words in Deadwood: Literature and the Postwestern
Hostetler: (pauses) The horse escaped in my care, you may hold the boy's dying against me.
Fields: Hostetler took precautions. He was trying to nut the horse...
Hostetler: Shut-shut up now, shut up. I collected the horse and brought him back. I'm back too. You say what you think is right.
Seth: I'm not gonna act against you for an accident.
Hostetler: (pauses) Your boy... I'm as sorry as I can be. I hope you will take that to his mother for me.
Seth: (struggles for a bit to stay composed) I'm here to talk about the livery.
Hostetler: I feel sorry about runnin away from this too. It's a shame, leavin' animals uncared for.
Fields: Wantin' not to be killed will put you to some difficult choices.
Seth: Steve's been lookin after the place.
Hostetler: Did damn good at the first look.
Seth: Any chance to keep hell from breaking loose between you two?
Hostetler: He left out of here shouting and screaming off of me saying thanks for looking out.
Seth: I'm asking, Hostetler, far as you go, does hell have to break loose?
Hostetler: No, hell don't have to break loose.
(Cut to a room at the hotel, Con is in bed with his new friend. She is looking fairly disgusted with herself)
Con: A colleague of mine, Leon, out of the Bella Union — you might not have noticed him — Leon remarks to me after you left "That young lady had a front porch on her a fella could read a book off of." (laughs) You know, Leon said that unsolicited. (she is rising to get out of bed)
Blonde: It's time to go. (She gets up)
Con: (Grabbing his crotch) In a few days, we can do this again. Uh, captain will be back at the helm. (She continues dressing, silent and looking morose)
(Cut to Joanie and Charlie at the freight office)
Joanie: (practicing her speech ) Mr Langrishe, I couldn't possible consider your offer unless you would agree to building a new schoolhouse, at your expense, for Mrs. Bullock and the children.
Charlie: Well, who could say no to that?
Joanie: Well what... what if Mrs Bullock doesn't want a change of location?
Charlie: I can't think of why she'd prefer teaching in an ex-brothel over a place new-built for schooling.
Joanie: People are strange about things, Charlie.
Charlie: But if you like, I'll get her say-so.
Joanie: And then I'll speak to Mr Langrishe.
(Cut to No 10 saloon as Seth and Hostetler enter)
Seth: Why don't we talk at the hardware store?
Steve: Why don't we talk right here?
Tom: A 30-minute recess, boys.
Steve: No recess on my account. I don't want my getting fucked to put others to inconvenience.
Seth: No one's here to fuck you, Steve. If you'd just quit running your mouth.

Hostetler: First off, I thank you for looking out to the livery.
Steve: (looking away) He'll talk to me through you or he won't get any fucking response.
Hostetler: I'm, grateful for the care you gave the animals.
Steve: (to Hostetler) Now, you wait... until he translates from ape.
(Seth leans over to Steve and punches him in the face)
Seth: Don't insult him again! (holding Steve up by the collar)
Steve: You bein' this kind of neutral sheriff is why I'm gonna vote for Harry Manning. (Seth looks at Hostetler and nods)
Hostetler: I want to pay you for your time and your trouble.
Steve: That's it? Send me on my fuckin' way?
Hostetler: And if you wanted to work there, I would be willing to keep you on.
Steve: Look at him, gritting his teeth, holding on to his fuckin' nose. (Seth is still got hold of Steve's shirt collar) Don't you do me any fuckin' favors, Hostetler! I didn't ask permission of anyone to look after that stock, (screaming now), and I'm not gonna start with a fuckin' nigger.
Hostetler: The sheriff will have your back pay if you come to change your mind.
Steve: Fuck you!
Hostetler: I was answerable to the horse that trampled his boy. Camp bein' stirred up, if I lingered to make my arrangements, I don't think I would have lived to catch that horse.
Steve: Ain't that the purest from of nigger logic? He runs, he blames the white man, and then he comes back and he treats him like dirt. (Hostetler has turned his back to Steve now, he looks pretty pissed off) Hey, when can I start working for you, you fuckin' monkey ape! Why don't you start jumping up and down and pounding your chest and murder a few dozen lice?
Hostetler: (back still turned) You motherfucker.
Steve: What did you say about my mother?
Hostetler: You motherfuckers.
Steve: What did you say about these people?
Hostetler: (shouting now) You ofay motherfuckers!
(Seth rushes Hostetler from behind and grabs him by the trousers and shirt)
Hostetler: Put me down until you're ready to kill me or run. (Seth is shoving him out the front door now)
Seth: You're gonna leave this to me. Do you understand? Leave it to me.
Hostetler: (They're outside the door now, but those inside can hear.) I came my part, and he wouldn't meet me.
Seth: I'll take care of it, will you let me try? It's what I want for my son.
Hostetler: Put me down now.
Seth: If I do, it won't be to kill you, and I'm not running. So whatta we gonna do then?
Hostetler: Put me down. (Seth lets him go) I was gonna go to Oregon. You let him buy me out fair and I'll fucking go. I'll be at the livery.
(He leaves, Seth goes back into No 10)
Seth: He'll sell to you. Do you want to take it on?
Steve: (jumps with surprise) I don't have the means to purchase it.
Seth: If you had the means at loan.
Steve: (verging on sincere) Yes, I'd be willing, very much so.
Seth: No bargain. My partner would make the price. You'd say yes or no.
Steve: Yeah, I'm in. If I had the means at loan. (he's completely shocked, Seth leaves and he turns to Tom) Whataya think of that?
(Cut to the street where Charlie has caught up with Seth)
Charlie: Sheriff Bullock!
Seth: Trying to broker some settlement between Steve and Hostetler.
Charlie: Well, I'll find you later then. (chasing after Seth)
Seth: Be quick, you got me now. (stops and turns to Charlie)
Charlie: Must've been unwelcome to Mrs. Bullock, that horse bein' brought back. Not wantin' to intrude on her, Miss Stubbs having me to find out, might I ask you to speak in her stead, as to somethin' I believe we both know where she stand on?

Charlie: Miss Stubbs, that owns the Chez Amie building where Mrs Bullock teaches, has got asked to name a price which she'd sell at. She got stipulations and likes of which I won't bore you with, but her big worry, if the buyer on his own nickel were to put a new schoolhouse up elsewhere, would Mrs Bullock be loathe to leave the Chez?
Seth: Why would she be loathe to leave it?
Charlie: Can I take that as a no, as if from your wife's lips?
Seth: Yeah. (turns and walks briskly away)
Charlie: Thank ya... sorry to hold you up. (They wave at each other, now Charlie is talking to hisself) "Be quick"... ... fucking delicate operation.
(Cut to the hallway upstairs at the hotel. Jack is approaching his room door, humming to himself. As he reaches his door, the Blonde exits from the room across where she has been with Con.)
Blonde: Jack.
Jack: (turns around to see her) One thought he'd engaged a room for you at the other end of the hall.
Blonde: I'm going to it now.
(She walks past Jack and down to her room. Jack turns to look at the door from whence she came and sees Con peeking out through the cracked door. Con sees him and slams the door shut)
(Cut to Al's office, he is seated at his desk and appears to be talking to himself)
Al: Invites me and Tolliver for a chat. What the fuck is in his head? Does he think he broke me? Does this cocksucker think he broke me? And now we're at his beck and call? Oh, jesus Christ, get you head off it! Get your fucking head off it for all the fuckin' good you're doing down there. (we see Dolly lift her head up from Al's lap) That's all I need, at a perfect juncture, you alter your action and forget your previous method.
Dolly: I didn't alter my action.
Al: No? (He grabs her head and pushes her back onto his lap) Is my dick in your mouth? (she nods yes) Do I have a hard-on? (she shaker her head no) Then you change your action. Go back to your previous fuckin' method. (he leans back and is trying to get interested) Hmmm. Does he construe my forbearance as weakness is what the fuck nags at me? Or my considerations of alternatives for being fucking intimidated — because the time's coming he sees what I'm up to beyond any fuckin' mistake, and I only hope you don't doubt it. Huh, you see? Y-Y-Y-You don't think that counts as altering your action? You would change your entire fucking mouth pattern.
Dolly: (sits up) Sorry.
Al: Sorry? Oh, I guess that's OK then, because my goal before my meeting wasn't to come and clear my fucking head, not so much as to hear you say you're sorry, you stupid fucking mutt.
Dolly: Should I go?
Al: No. (pause) Tell me who you want in the election.
Dolly: Star for mayor and Harry Manning for sheriff.
Al: Star for mayor and Bullock for fucking sheriff.
Dolly: Bullock yells at you.
Al: (shaking his head) Get out. Shut up and get out. (she leaves and shuts the door. Al is buttoning up and pulls a bottle from the desk drawer.) Does he think I'm fucking afraid?
(Cut to the Gem saloon. Dan is behind the bar as Jack enters, Al is just coming down the stairs)
Jack: Young man?
Al: Jack.
Al: Not to fucking mention elsewhere, huh?
Jack: Might I ask you what you know of a miss Stubbs that owns the Chez Amie?
Al: Whoremistress.
Jack: Not presently active, I'm told.
Al: Hearst's geologist killed three of her girls. The three he didn't, she hid under canvas and spirited out of camp.
Jack: Now lets her place as a schoolhouse.
Al: My impression, she donates it.
Jack: To cleanse the camp's idea of her? Would that base her turning away a theater type's offer to buy?
Al: Wouldn't enter into it. Cares for a gut-shot shitbird no one in camp has time for, nor she has any love for either. Loyal see? That type.
Jack: Some sentimentality do you suppose, about the building itself. Might that account for her holding on?
Al: I wouldn't know, Jack. She's alright. (pauses, looking out the door) Must think I'm a fuckin' dog. Forgives the blow, first friendly scratch of the ear. Invites me back to his rooms, fuckin' Hearst.
Jack: (standing up) Shall I accompany as your second? My obvious unsuitability might confuse him.
Al: (Al chickles and walks out) DO survive...
(Cut to the lobby of the hotel. Cy is sitting in a chair, waiting while EB stands at the desk. Al walks in)
Al: E.B.
E.B.: Titans gather!
Cy: (standing) Swearengen.
Al: Tolliver.
E.B.: Do we now assault Olympus?
Al: Quiet, E.B. (AL turns and motions to Cy to go up ahead of him. Cy does)
Cy: I think Cochran's a lunger.
Al: Bit motley ourselves, huh? (they continue up the stairs)
(Cut to the street as Seth approaches the hardware store and speaks to Sol)
Seth: What would you make that livery worth?
Sol: I'd have to look into it.
Seth: Need a figure now.
Sol: $1200, if you make me say without investigating. (looking perplexed as Seth walks out without speaking.)

(Cut to the bank. Leon is there, talking to Alma as Trixie looks on.)
Leon: Laying aside for the future.
Alma: Very forward-looking.
Leon: Oh, I'm keen-eyed, ahead and behind.
Alma: Your mark would go there. (She and Leon are exchanging looks, as though they have some other connection)
Leon: I'll sign my name, Mrs Garret. I've been lettered since I was 12.
Alma: Since you can read, you may wish to examine my nameplate.
Leon: (looking at the nameplate) Mrs Ellsworth, I'm — I'm very sorry and, very very apologetic.
(Seth enters the bank, Alma looks up at him)
Alma: Perhaps you would finish signing overe there, while I attend to Mr Bullock.
Leon: (To Seth as he is turning to move away) Opened an account.
Alma: Mr Bullock.
Seth: I'd like that drunk Steve to have a loan - $1200, title to the livery as collateral. I'll cosign the note.
Alma: Has Steve clear title?
Seth: He will, once he's bought out Hostetler. That's what the money is for.
Alma: (rising) What is "Steve-the-drunk"'s surname?
Seth: Fields
Alma: (turning to Trixie) $1200, Trixie. Payable to a Mr Steve Fields upon his signature and submission of title to the livery, Mr Bullock to cosign.
Trixie: Alright.
Seth: Thank you.
(Seth turns and leaves. Leon is standing aside, pretending to be drying the ink on his deposit slip. He strolls back over to Alma as she looks at him pensively.)
(Cut to Hearst's room, Al and Cy are alone with Hearst)
Hearst: My back's in frank rebellion. Uh, gentlemen, will you mind if I keep to this angle? (Indicates a padded board that is leaning against the wall)

Deadwood Timothy Olyphant as Seth with Gerald McRaney as George Hearst 8 x 10 Inch photo
Cy: Hang upside down from the ceiling for all of me.
Hearst: It may come to that. (He positions himself on the board and lays back against it.) Mr Swearengen, I will take your silence for assent. (pause while Al rolls his eyes) We pass another milestone. Bank of Deadwood opens its doors. Is not Mrs Ellsworth a dynamo?
Cy: Let's find one and send it to her.
Al: What's the occasion? I have my physician to see.
Hearst: How are you indisposed, Mr Swearengen?
Al: (rolls the eyes again) Sick at the stomach.
Hearst: Would you wish to leave now? Mr Tolliver can report our conversation.
Cy: Tough it out Al, like me that's guts is more outside his pants than in.
Al: The occasion.
Hearst: The camp comes to such an hour I'd have us reach a new understanding.

Al: The hour meaning elections.
Hearst: I am given pause by the quality of certain of the likely victors. But I have come to believe as well that my temperament ill suits me for environments such as this one must become. And other opportunities presenting themselves elsewhere, I may best serve my own interests here by standing at some remove.
Al: You leavin'? Can you say it straight out before I have a fuckin' birthday?
Hearst: I will be coming and going, is that straight out enough?
Al: What's the task you'd give us? And what's our fuckin' piece for doin' 'em?
Cy: Al...
Al: (to Cy) Shut up.
Hearst: To not let become over-onerous my interests encounter with the camp's retrogressive elements.
Al: Meaning what, you phony bastard? Who do we kill, what's our pay?
Cy: It ain't fair to make it that simple, Al.
Al: Fuck you. He took the pick to me simple enough.
Hearst: We will get to numbers quickly once we've agreed on principle.
Al: Numbers are the only principle I believe in, and naming that the numbers buy. When you and him come 'em, tell fucking Adams and he'll bring you my reply later. (to Cy, he points at Hearst) Him and me, we've has our last word. (Al leaves quickly, as he is walking down the stairs, EB addresses him)
E.B.: What have the gods decreed?
Al: Too fearful and upset to relive it, E.B.
(Back upstairs)
Hearst: We do agree in principle?
Cy: Oh yes sir. Numbers and acts is what's left to discuss. Sounds like a bible study, don't it?
(Cut to the street, Seth Jane and Charlie are lounging and having a talk)
Jane: Charlie read me the telegram, then I seen 'em come into camp. My exact fuckin' thought: "Look Jane, two dead niggers leadin' a dead fuckin' horse."
Charlie: Matter came to rope, Steve the drunk to cinch the noose.
Jane: Charlie's right for the first time in months. Fuckin' Steve. The exact type malicious cocksucker tars every fuckin' drunk with his brush.
Seth: Anyway, here's Trixie with the loan documents.
Jane: (As Seth walks away) This succeeds, Bullock, what you're trying to work out here, I will doff hat to you and no fuckin' mistake.
Charlie: Just don't let her take off her boots. (after a pause, he speaks to Jane) Did you know Miss Stubbs might sell her place? (Jane looks a bit stunned)
(Cut to Trixie and Seth)
Trixie: You gotta fuckin' sign. (he looks around for a place to put the paper to sign it, she tuens around and offers her back. Seth takes her up on it. As he's signing, she remarks:) Lot of shitbags hang around a bank. Did you ever fuckin' notice? (Seth has no idea what she's talking about and gives her a blank look before handing back the pen. As she is walking away, she mutters under her breath: "Asshole")
(Cut to the hotel, evening. The former woman in red is descending the stairs to the dining room. E.B. addresses her as she passes the desk)
Woman: Do you read Wordsworth?
E.B: I do not, madam, no. How do you some to ask?
Woman: You've just quoted him.
E.B.: Well, I have a digest from which I memorize, suppressing the authors' names. Enjoy your supper. (as she walks away) When will I raise courage to search that woman's room?
(In the dining room, Jack has volunteered to help the woman with her chair. )
Woman: Thank you.
Jack: My pleasure.
(Aunt Lou and Richardson are in the back, Lou addresses Richardson: )
Lou: Don't look to take her order. She likes to draw awhile before she eats.
(The two troupe women are seated for dinner, the countess is addressing the blonde while reading from a letter.)
Countess: "Bone weary, but soldiering on".
Blonde: Bellegarde as a soldier? (laughing)
Countess: He is an actor after all.
(Jack is now sitting with Jaonie)
Joanie: But unless you would build a schoolhouse for Mrs Bullock to teach the camp's children in, I couldn't even begin to entertain the idea of a sale.
Jack: The most natural and constructive of stipulations, Miss Stubbs.
Joanie: At your own expense, I hope you understand.
Jack: I do. And may I submit to you now my offer?
Joanie: Please do. (Jack hands her a piece of paper with the number on it, she reads it) Very generous, thank you.
Jack: We've an agreement?
Joanie: Far as the schoolhouse... and it's costs?
Jack: Absolutely separate, my obligation in that regard.
Joanie: Those'd be exclusive.
Jack: Exactly.
(The two troupe women are watching this)
Countess: They come to an understanding.
Blonde: She seems quite thin.
(Cut to the livery, where Seth is presenting the paperwork to Hostetler)
Fields: Might be where he first went wrong, learning to read and cipher.
Hostetler: What ain't he sign first?
Fields: Why ain't I a half a foot taller?
Seth: You're who I came to first.
Hostetler: Order's right and amount's fair. And once Steve signs, then I will.
Seth: I'm not a goddamn errand boy, Hostetler, to mule thins thing back and forth.
Fields: Give it to me, let me forge Steve's name.
Hostetler: I ain't gonna be first to sign and look a cunt when he don't. (Seth grabs the paper and walks away.)
Fields: (admonishing Hostetler) Nigger... ..nigger, nigger.
(Cut to the Gem saloon, Al is pouring a drink for himself, as Johnny delivers Adams to him at the bar.)
Al: Where the fuck have your been?
Adams: I was looking for someone whose name you told me never to say again.
Al: Amongst further instructions, includin' not to look for him when he's fuckin' disappeared.
Adams: Well, I held off saying where I was.
Al: I can repose no truth in someone who traffics with that type douche bag.
Adams: I don't think Hawkeye's a douche bag.
(Al slaps Adams, hard, Adams takes it and says nothing)
Al: Who you believe you can salvage, Adams, is the douche bag you must avoid, and no effort of yours can preclude at some point finding past help. And you yourself, being his consort, in similar fuckin' straits. And all the energies I've poured into you gone for naught. I vow on the fuckin' subject, I find you dead 'cause of him, I'll kick your corpse in the ear for the waste of my fuckin' time.
Adams: Anyways, what's you want?
Al: I've named you to represent me in my dealings with fuckin' Hearst. Tolliver too, in that connection.
Adams: Tolliver in connection with Hearst?
Al: As he's put us in tandem, fuckin' Hearst.
Adams: You and Tolliver?
Al: If I'd sought an echo , Adams, I'd now be addressing a fuckin' mountain. (pauses) I'm in waters I don't know, nor soundings I can take. To bring me the knowledge I need, my second needs to seem capable of disloyalty. (We see Dan come into the room and notice the conversation going on)
Adams: If that's supposed to be a compliment, thanks.
(Dan is chastising two whores for unknown reasons)
Dan: Get the fuck out. Out out. Go. Get out.
Al: Which is to say, being loyal he can forgo loyalty's display. Like not searching out a friend who don't want to be found. Just hoping he makes his way back, hmm? (we see Jack entering the bar)
Adams: How's Dan gonna take your choosing me?
Al: That's my fuckin' problem to deal with. (walks over to Jack) Jack, how'd it go with that place?
Jack: One has agreed beyond purchase to construct a new schoolhouse elsewhere.
Al: That should go up prior, not to interrupt the fuckin' teacher.
Jack: Your law-giving tone is noted. (they toast and drink, Jack nods to Dolly and says: ) A lovely smile.
Al: She sucks my prick. Her methods deserted her completely.
Jack: Might varying the hour produce a different outcome?
Al: What's the hour's relevance? It's her technique's fucking awry. Anyway Jack, gotta get my ear pissed in. I'm glad about your place.
Jack: Thank you, young man. Glad you're still amongst us. (as Al walks away) Nor, one imagines, is the local creek rife with oysters.
(Cut to the No 10 saloon, where Bullock is now talking to Steve.)
Steve: I'm on board, Bullock. And you are lookin' at a grateful man, and one who ain't appreciated you previous — the way he does now.
Seth: Sign.
Steve: (bragging to the crowd at the bar) We've accomplished something here today. (to Seth) Take this agreement and this pen, go over to that livery and get that nigger's signature.
Seth: I will. Sign the fuckin' thing first.
Steve: Let's not lose our sense of proportion this late phase in the process.
Seth: (He pauses for a second, then smacks Steve in the face, and pins him down on the table) Sign it!
Steve: (growling) The nigger signs, and then I'll accept.
(Cut to the Gem saloon, Al and Dan are talking. Dan is looking pretty upset)
Dan: You know you hurt my feelings.
Al: Dan...
Dan: That's the long and short of it Al, you fucking picked Adams to represent you, you hurt my fuckin' feelin's and that is the fuckin' matter's end.
Al: Would you go against me?
Dan: That is not what we're talkin' about. You know I'd never break loyalty. That don't mean my feelins can't get hurt.
Al: Fuckin point is you'd never go against me. Tolliver knows. I need someone he don't know that about.
Dan: I don't think Silas would go agin you neither. You and him haven't been through, me and him haven't been through what me and you've been through. Hmm-mm, not by a long shot. So, more an an opinion ain't possible. Still, I'd be fuckin' surprised if either of us was mistaken.
Al: Me too. (clears throat) Fuckin Doc.
Dan: What's his problem?
Al: Think he's a fuckin' lunger.
(Al walks past Dolly, who's sitting and looking dejected. He addresses her)
Al: Observe a decent interval, and we'll give it another fuckin' whirl. (He walks away)
(Cut to the hardware store, Seth is complaining to Sol as Sol works)
Sol: Keep them separate, agree on a time tomorrow when their dicks will be down, have them sign simultaneous. (Seth realizes that Sol is right as always, he turns and smiles and nods. Sol just shrugs)
(Cut to the Ellsworth house, Whitney and Sophia are playing checkers as Alma looks out the window.)
Whitney: (to Sophia) Petite and quite beautiful your mother is, for being a financial powerhouse. Of service to the camp, turning her mine into houses and the like getting built, businesses getting begun. (as he speaks, Alma has spotted Leon out in the street. Leon is looking for her, and sees her in the window. She seems nearly beside herself to see Leon) Some for people that'll never know her name. (Leon gives Alma a sign, she turns to Whitney and smiles).
Alma: I'll take the air, just briefly.
Whitney: I'll continue to be beaten at checkers. (Alma turns and walks out the door, looking back as she leaves)
(Cut to the Chez Amie, Mose is on patrol outside as Joanie and Jane talk)
Jane: Any fuckin' domicile but the graveyard suits me fine. Don't you worry about me. I got things taken care of over here.
Joanie: I don't know either. But I do know that you're welcome wherever I go.
(Jane walks over to Joanie and shakes her hand, Jane seems close to tears and turns away)
Jane: Is Mose invited to the new destination? Cause I think you'd need to widen some doorways if he is.
Joanie: Haven't talked to Mose about it.
Jane: Well he can be the watchman then, I have no issue with that.
Joanie: We'll figure the rest out, when the time comes.
Jane: (looking around the room) Where would the stage be?
Joanie: I don't know.
Jane: Yeah, I don't know either. Ain't our line I guess.
(Cut to the Bullocks, talking in bed. As they talk, they are holding hands and Martha is playing with the hair on his arm)
Seth: That they agreed tonight is no guarantee what they'll do at 10:00 in the morning.
Martha: Please see that no harm comes to that horse.
Seth: I will. (There's a very long pause in which both of them sigh)

Deadwood: The Golden Years
Seth: Then after the watches were synchronized, another hour studying them like idiots to see if one gained on the other. (Another long pause) Sol.
(Cut to Al's office, where Dolly is busy trying out her technique)
Al: It's not the fuckin' hour. It's not the fuckin' advantage of the chair. It's you, that's changed the level of your suction somehow. That's the fuckin' sum and substance of it.
Dolly: Maybe if I get up on my knees?
Al: You're the cocksucker. Change your fucking angle. (she does, and gets to work) Hey, jesus christ, you'll turn me inside out! (He pushes her away, then repositions himself and motions her back) Advice from third fuckin' parties... place a table on the boardwalk, people can jot their suggestions, roll in the muck of the thoroughfare in gales of fuckin' laughter. I did not shame myself. I keep an open mind in that area. Kid yourself about your behavior, you'll never learn a fuckin' thing. I knew what was coming too, fucking captain holding me down. I knew what the fuck was next.
Dolly: When he chopped off your finger?
Al: He didn't chop off my finger. Hearst chopped my fucking finger off. The other fuck held me down. The hold you down, you-you can't get at them to help yourself. Fucking cold in here anyway.
Dolly: You want a blanket?
Al: If I do, I'll put it around me. You ain't fuckin' boss of the fuckin' bedclothes. They hold you down from behind, then you wonder why you're helpless. How the fuck could you not be?
Dolly: I don't like it either.
Al: Another one that held me down. That fucking proctor when I tried to get to that ship. He fuckin' held me, fucking wouldn't let me go. Fucking my mind, you see? She was being restrained. Couldn't get back off that had got on the boat to New Orleans to go suck prick in Georgia. She changed her mind, and I was being restrained by that fat bastard orphanage proctor. Anyway, that's it. That's the end of it. That's the fucking conclusion. (screaming) Christ I'd have wished to — though probably she'd have thrown me overboard anyway, but I'd have wished to get to that fuckin' ship. But I was being restrained. I couldn't get from where she's left me. He held me to that bed, her calling from the ship that had changed her mind. (Al is close to tears now)
Dolly: I don't like it either.
Al: No, huh? ... .. What?
Dolly: When they hold you down.
Al: I guess I do that huh? With your fuckin' hair?
Dolly: No.
Al: No? Well bless you for a fuckin' fibber.
The End
Written by: Ted Mann
Directed by : Ed Bianchi
Al Swearengen: Ian McShane | Dan Dority: W Earl Brown | Seth Bullock: Timothy Olyphant | Alma Garret: Molly Parker | Ellsworth: Jim Beaver | Doc Cochran: Brad Dourif | Sol Star: John Hawkes | Trixie: Paula Malcomson | Tom Nuttall: Leon Rippy | Cy Tolliver: Powers Boothe | Con Stapleton: Peter Jason | Leon: Larry Cedar | Sophia: Bree Seanna Wall | E.B. Farnum: William Sanderson | Calamity Jane: Robin Weigert | Charlie Utter: Dayton Callie | Johnny Burns: Sean Bridgers | Jack McCall: Garret Dillihunt | Jewel: Geri Jewell | A. W. Merrick: Jeffrey Jones | Rev. Smith: Ray McKinnon | Brom Garret: Timothy Omundson | Mr. Wu: Keone Young | Joanie Stubbs: Kim Dickens | Eddie Sawyer: Ricky Jay | Andy Cramed: Zach Grenier | Silas Adams: Titus Welliver | Otis Russell: William Russ | Martha Bullock: Anna Gunn | Francis Wolcott: Garret Dillihunt | Hugo Jarry: Stephen Toblowsky | Steve: Michael Harney | Mose Manual: Pruitt Taylor Vince | Blazanov: Pavel Lychnikoff | Richardson: Ralph Richeson | Harry Manning: Brent Sexton | Jack Langrishe: Brian Cox | Aunt Lou Marchbanks: Cleo King |
Transcription last updated on 03/23/2007 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DEADWOOD transcription from These transcriptions are the property of, and are intended solely for entertainment purposes. No copying or public distribution without express consent is permitted. Possession or use by anyone other than authorized members of is cause for cuttin' some throat. |