DEADWOOD Photographs: The Movie

jane on horseback

overlook town of deadwood

train with telephone poles

gem johnny dan al doc

charlie talks with lumber worker

doc tends to al jewel cleans room

doc instucts dan and johnny

charlie alma sofia

sofia caroline seacrest dennis

seth martha children

eb hearst podium

sol trixie

ellsworth trixie

flashback hearst trixie

al watches trixie yell at hearst

martha children seth see alma for first time

sophia alma seth

charlie seth

caroline al

flashback jen in coffin

hearst leaves al missing finger

aunt lou doc sol trixie baby

charlie jane discussing joanie

jane joanie in bedroom

hearst sees samuel fishing

hearst charile at stream

tom nuttel jane

al mr wu and tea

johnny burns caroline

harry agrees to look for charlie

joanie jane leade the way

thats charlies horse

samuel i didnt do it

charlie lay on ground

seth charlie laying over horse

seth al at bar

seth on horse telephone poles burning

al caroline in bed

flashback al trixie in bed

the gem day after celebration

doc tends to al

samuel sees seacrest and dennis

samuel in jail cell

harry tells seth of doc appt

jane joanie at charlies funeral

at charlies graveside

eb seacrest dennis gentlemen

hearst dennis seacrest seen through peephole

eb in wall

al and seth strategizing before auction

eb at public phone

the auction begins

hearst seems pleased

harry seacrest dennis at jail

seth saved by alma

seth and alma hug

youre certain eb

seth samuel dennis seacrest mengyao

hearst on floor victrola playing

hearst and seth showdown

trixie dan jen

trixie al

seth scolds trixie

samuel doc seth

trixie baby sol on seths porch

line of whores

dan johnny caroline baby

doc al medicine

trixie baby caroline

al baby trixie sol

jane joanie in barn

al trixie on stairs at wedding

sol pastor trixie wedding ceremony

sol trixie wedding kiss

jane joaning dancing

alma makes a decision with sofia

hearst sheriff deputy trixie

jane seth hearst with mob

hearst on ground

al dan johnny at stairs

jane watches harry

harry with gun

seth holds samuels hand

seth cries over charlie

jewel trixie in als room

final shot jane joanie

caroline sofia catch snow

alma at window

charlie utters grave

sol baby

martha seth kiss

trixie our father

al let him fucking stay there

trixie al hold hands final shot

trailer poster

al on balcony

al on balcony 02


caroline 02

charlie and alma reunite

charlie at stream

dan and johnny at bar

david milch on movie set

george hearst

george hearst 03

hearst 02

hearst in parade

jane and joanie in street


joanie in barn

seth 02

seth 03

seth and al

seth and al 02

seth and al 03

seth and al 04

seth and al at bar

seth and sol save samuel

seth and sol save samuel 02

seth martha and children


wu 01