DEADWOOD Character: Con Stapleton & Leon
Con Stapleton & Leon Profile

From Wikipedia: Con Stapleton (Peter Jason) starts out as the dim-witted card dealer at the No. 10 saloon. He can be easily distinguished by his large, bright-colored and ill-fitting hat, which he is never seen without. Stapleton is briefly installed as sheriff when the Number 10’s owner, Tom Nuttall, began to fear that the camp was “leaving him behind” and asked Al Swearengen to set up his employee in a position of power… Read More
From Wikipedia: Leon (Larry Cedar), Cy Tolliver’s general informant and lackey, is addicted to opium. Formerly employed as a double agent to give Swearengen false information, he and the dope fiend Jimmy Irons robbed and murdered Mr. Wu’s opium courier, leading to Jimmy being fed to Wu’s pigs. Leon worked to incite anti-Chinese sentiment in the camp following this event, though more out of fear of Cy than anything else, and now serves as Tolliver’s eyes around town. He begins to deal dope to Alma Garret in Season 3 and Tolliver finds out. Afraid that he will be implicated in any attempt to murder Alma, he stops dealing to her soon after. He was meant to be a great card sharp before he became an opium addict, according to Cy… Read More

Deadwood W. Earl Brown as Dan Dority with rifle in hand 8 x 10 Inch photo

Haunted Deadwood: A True Wild West Ghost Town

In Search of Doc Holliday

Deadwood Trading Daredevil - Cloth Fedora Hat
Con Stapleton & Leon Sound Tracks
Leon's Rant